Tinpong - Humpty Dumpty

Title: Humpty Dumpty
Catalog: Dharma Songs
Writer(s): Bottin / Freypong
Recorded by: Tinpong
Tunecode 078003BW
Instrumentation: Vocal, Keyboards, Drums, Guitar, Bass, Synths, Percussion
Styles: Disco, Pop, Funk
Musical Theme(s): Groovy, Dance, Upbeat
Tempo: Medium
Lyrical Overview: Female vocal inspired by Alice in Wonderland craziness
Lyrical Words Used: Humpty Dumpty, Send A Message, Little Fishies, Better To Obey, Oooha! Oooha!, Told You Once, Told You Twice, Heart Went Thump, Someone Came To Me And Said, The Fishs You Needed Shout So Loud, Sat On The Wall, Took A Great Fall, All The Kings Horses,

Recordings of this song:

